Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
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Draw Emails not Reaching all Members
Some Groups have different DrawMasters that send out the Draw each week. On occasion, these emails are not received by some members, i.e. they are blocked by their ISP or email program. It appears related to the DrawMaster's computer where the Draw was generated.
Members experiencing this problem should go into their email setting and add the DrawMaster's email address to the Safe Sender's List.
This sample is from the email program Windows Live but most otherl programs use similar terminology:
1. From the Main screen click on the drop down arrow in the upper left corner to go into Settings2. Select Options Then Safety Options3. Open the tab that says Safe Senders4. Add the email address of the DrawMaster
You may also want to add a checkmark beside ‘Also trust emails from my Contacts’
[Added July 7 2014]